At Transition Solutions, we’ve been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes for 30 years.
A message from our General Manager, Donna Sullivan
Are you leveraging your network in your job search?
At Transition Solutions, we have been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes and outplacement services for 30 years.
For job seekers this January, the good news is many companies are hiring. In fact, per the Department of Labor Statistics latest December reports, the number of job openings remained steady at 6.7 million on the last business day of October.
As you look to find your next job, the most valuable asset you have is your network!
At Transition Solutions, we coach our clients that the five primary job search methods and the corresponding percentages of jobs found using each method are:

- Networking (80-90%)
- Responding to posted jobs (5-10%)
- Working with placement and temporary agencies (5-10%)
- Attending job fairs, professional association meetings, trade shows, (less than 5%)
- Conducting a direct mail campaign (less than 5%)
Therefore, you should be spending the majority of your time networking. Use the other methods at the same time to round out your search.
Since 80-90% of all jobs are found using networking it is a very important activity to do and often.
Networking is a frequently misunderstood process. Among the misconceptions are:
- You must know your network contact.
- The network contact must be someone who has the authority to offer you a job.
- The network contact must be in your field of specialty.
The truth is a network contact can be anyone! Networking is nothing more than making contact – either face-to-face or by mail, e-mail or over the telephone – with anyone who can give you information. The operative word is information that leads you to job opportunities and decision makers. It is not about handing an acquaintance a copy of your resume and asking for either a job or a call if s/he hears of anything.
Networking is the single most effective source of job opportunities; yet, many avoid doing it because it is uncomfortable to ask someone for help, the belief that it is an imposition on others, or fear of being rejected by a network contact.
Yes, some may reject you; however, the majority will help you. Why? Many people who have been helped themselves through networking are happy to assist others. People are flattered when you ask their advice. People usually respond when you can connect them to someone you both know. So, what if you are rejected? Brush it off and move on!
At Transition Solutions, we’ve been helping organizations and individuals with outplacement needs for 30 years. We have developed a robust personalized and customized approach to every situation. Our strong reputation for consistently delivering exceptional service at value sets us apart.
Are you looking for more expert advice on how to maximize your job search in 2021? Join us for a 3-part FREE mini-webinar series in January for individuals looking for their next role. Each webinar will be live 15-minute instruction from an expert career coach!
- Understanding Today’s Job Market Thursday, January 14th 12PM-12:15PM Click HERE to register
- Networking for Success Thursday, January 21st 12PM-12:15PM Click HERE to register
- Turning Opportunity into the Offer Thursday, January 28th 12PM-12:15PM Click HERE to register
If you would like more information on our services please check out our website at
or you can contact us directly at 888-424-0003 or email us at